Este es uno de los Capítulos que pertenece al artículo completo titulado: Los Hongos y las Micotoxinas en la Alimentación Animal; Conceptos, Problemas, Control y Recomendaciones.
(1) Smith,J.E.,and Moss,M.O. (1985) "Mycotoxins" Formation, Analysis and significance. John Wiley and Sons (Eds.), chapter 3, pp.33-35.
(2) Hesseltine,C.W. (1976) Mycotoxins and Other Fungal Related Food Problems (Joseph V. Rodricks (Ed), American Chemical Society, Washington DC, pp.1-22.
(3) Quinta,L.M. (1982) Publicaçöes do Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial.- LNETI-DCEAI nº 92, ET-10, pp.1-12.
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(20) Carlton,W.W., and Krogh,P. (1979) "Ochratoxins" in Conference on Mycotoxins in Animal Feeds and Grain Related to Animal Health. PB-300 300. Sponsored by Bureau of Veterinary Medicine. Food and Drug Administration, June 8, Rockville, Maryland (USA), pp.165-287.
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