Hola Claudia, hola Rodrigo
como en las aves el picaje de plumas los conejos comen el pelo por la misma razon - falta de fibra, como le ha explicado Rodrigo. www.jrs.de produce un concentrado de fibra cruda totalmente insoluble (CFC. Una de las razones porque se utiliza la CFC es para cumplir con el requierimento de la fibra de los animales - fibra insoluble. Abajo pueden ver un extracto de un resumen de un ensayo que hemos hecho con conejos. Si quieren les podemos enviar mas informacion.
The health of rabbit´s digestive tract is based on a sensitive balance between diet composition and colonizing micro flora, whereat the dietary fibre is of particular importance. As essential component of the diet fibre influences animal health factors, such as: functionality of the mucosa, rate of intestinal passage and substrate for microbial fermentation (Gidenne et al. 2010, in: Nutrition of the Rabbit, 2nd Edition, CAB International). With a low level of lignocellulose (ADF) the frequency of diseases related to digestive malfunction, therefore a certain minimum ADF content in the diet is required (Table). In addition to the quantity of ADF the quality is also of importance, as the lignin content plays a vital role in the prevention of digestive disorders. The lignin:cellulose ratio should ideally be greater than 0.4, with a total lignin intake of 5 to 7 g/d (3 – 5% of the diet) and a cellulose intake of 11 to 12 g/d for growing rabbits (Table). Scientific research clearly demonstrates that this amount of lignin and cellulose positively influences the health status and production performance of growing rabbits.