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#Salud intestinal en aves
Participación en foro el 2 de enero de 2024
@Julián Melo Thanks for the excellent clarifications and no problem to reply in Spanish. I do read and understand, but unfortunately my writing is much weaker.My objective was not to comment or criticize the eventual benefits of the product, but to my honest opinion and analyses that particular study and the way it was presented, processed, didn't elucidate signficant effects. Thanks again. ...
Participación en foro el 18 de diciembre de 2023
Good morning, Could you share more information about the trias design and set up. How many replicates were used and which statistical methods were applied ? Were there significant differences. What would be your hypothesis in mode of action for such spectacular improvements (> 8% in laying rate) with very thin amounts of citric acid and Ca-propionate? 220 grams Ca-propionate means about 48 gram ...
Participación en foro el 18 de diciembre de 2023
@Jose Mauro Arrieta Acevedo : Thanks for the very interesting comments and extensions which are very appropriate.
Participación en foro el 16 de diciembre de 2023
Allow me to comment in English.If the major contribution results from the release of the metabolites NIACINE and PANTOTENATE (next to hipoxanthine), which are two vitamins, one might ask following questions :- What is more efficient and economic ? Just adding a bit more of these vitamins or the probiotic ?- What is the real contribution of the extra vitamins produced, if significant, then maybe th ...
Participación en foro el 8 de diciembre de 2023
A very nice and comprehensive study, but the way the results are presented seems quite confusion. It would have been more clear, easier to interpret eventual beneficial effects if the control and treatment (Ca-Pidolate) groups would have been compared directly one to one per diet formulation type :1) Fedna recommendations : all parameters of the control show numerically better figures than the tre ...
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16 de abril de 2022
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