Súmate a Engormix y forma parte de la red social agropecuaria más grande del mundo.
Sergio Ivan Roman Ponce
Medico Veterinario y Zootecnista
Skills on studies of genetic diversity and population structure on cattle populations. Expertise on diverse methodologies for the estimation of genetic parameters estimation under different production systems and population structure on dairy and beef cattle. Estimation of...
Medico Veterinario y Zootecnista
Título profesional:
Medico Veterinario y Zootecnista
Descripción de los servicios que presta como profesional:
Skills on studies of genetic diversity and population structure on cattle populations.
Expertise on diverse methodologies for the estimation of genetic parameters estimation under different production systems and population structure on dairy and beef cattle.
Estimation of genomic breeding values using GBLUP and BAYESB models.
Background of technology transfer models, technical support and rural development to livestock organization.
Experiencia profesional:
Doctorate in Animal production (PhD).University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano): 2009 - 2012
Topic: Animal breeding and genomics

Master of science. Topic: Animal Breeding and genetics. National University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico): 2003 - 2006
Thesis: Estimation of Variance and Covariance Components in multiracial population of Cattle in a dual-purpose systems in the tropics of Mexico.
Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine and animal science (Medico Veterinario y Zootecnista).Veracruz State University (Universidad Veracruzana) 1995 - 2000

Animal Science Researcher
National Institute of Forest, Agricultural and Livestock
(Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, www.inifap.gob.mx) OCTOBER 2007/ DECEMBER 2008

SPANISH : Native language
ENGLISH: Good Speaking, Writing and Reading Skills
ITALIAN : Good Speaking, Writing and Reading Skills

Skills on studie
Area de cobertura:
Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
equalizer Estadísticas: Foros(9)
Ubicación:Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
Perfil: Académico / Científico
Título profesional: Medico Veterinario y Zootecnista
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