Ton Kramer
Que tal
Ton, gracias por tu interés, por supuesto anexo una pequeña lista espero que sea de mucha utilidad.
1.- Spears J. W., Schlegel P., Seal M. C. and Lloyd K. E. 2004. Bioavailability of zinc from zinc sulfate and different organic zinc sources and their effects on ruminal volatile fatty acid proportions. Livestock Prod. Sci. 90:211-217.
2.- Robert S. Fry , Jerry W. Spears , Patrick Schlegel, and Stephane Durosoy. 2009. Effects of dietary zinc source and level on immune responses and health of cattle. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 70-74.
3.- De Marco M, Zoon M.V., Margetyal C. Picarta C. and Ionescu C. 2017. Dietary administration of glycine complexed trace minerals can improve performance and slaughter yield in broilers and reduces mineral excretion. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 232(2017) 182-189.
4.- . Ling Zhang, Yong-Xia Wang, Xue Xiao, Jiang-Shui Wang, Qian Wang, Kai-Xuan Li , Tian-Yu Guo, Xiu-An Zhan. 2017. Effects of Zinc Glycinate on Productive and Reproductive Performance, Zinc Concentration and Antioxidant Status in Broiler Breeders. Biol Trace Elem Res DOI 10.1007/s12011-016-0928-4.
5.- Robert S. Fry , Jerry W. Spears, Patrick Schlegel , and Stephane Durosoy. 2009. Effects of dietary zinc source and level on immune responses and health of cattle. 8. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung pag 70-74.
6.- Hansen S.L, Schlegel P, Legleiter L.R., Lloyd K.E. and Spears J.W. 2008. Bioavailability of copper from copper glycinate in steers fed high dietary sulfur and molybdenum. J Anim Sci. 86:173-179
7.- K. Männer K., Simon O. and Schlegel P. 2006. Effects of different iron, manganese, zinc and copper sources (sulphates, chelates, glycinates) on their bioavailability in early weaned piglets. ): 9. Tagung Schweine- und Geflügelernährung, 28.-30.
8.- Ettle T, Sclegel P and Roth F. X. 2007. Investigations on iron bioavailability of different sources and supply levels in piglets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. Journal compilation. Blacwell Publishing Ltd. Pag 1-9
9.- Kwiecien, M., Winiarska-Mieczan, A., Milczarek, A., Tomaszewska, E., Matras, J., 2016. Effects of zinc glycine chelate on growth performance, carcass characteristics, bone quality, and mineral content in bone of broiler chicken. Livest. Sci. 191, 43–50
10.- Shi, R., Liu, D., Sun, J., Jia, Y., Zhang, P., 2015. Effect of replacing dietary FeSO4 with equal Fe-level led iron glycine chelate on broiler chickens. Czech J. Anim. Sci. 60, 233–239